TIME in Physics 2024-05-17T20:46:43+00:00 Permono Adi Putro Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><em>TIME in Physics</em> (Journal for Theoretical, Instrumentation, Material-Molecular, and Education Physics) is a peer-reviewed journal that is published by Universitas Mandiri and managed by the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universitas Mandiri. <em>TIME in Physics</em> is published periodically second times a year in January and August.</p> <p align="justify"><em>TIME in Physics</em> provides immediate open access to its content to all readers. The journal is designed to serve academicians, researchers, developers, professionals, and others interested in physics. The articles in <em>TIME in Physics</em> included research and developments in Theoretical Physics, Instrumentation Physics, Material-Molecular Physics, and Physics Education.</p> <p align="justify"><strong>Electronic ISSN</strong> : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2986-2760</a> | <strong>DOI</strong> <a href="">10.11594/timeinphys</a></p> Exploring Celestial Object Characteristics: An In-depth Analysis of Quasars, Stars, and White Dwarfs Using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Dataset 2024-03-16T02:06:44+00:00 Ruben Cornelius Siagian Arip Nurahman Goldberd Harmuda Duva Sinaga Reza Ariefka Pandu Pribadi <p>This research utilizes the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) dataset, examining 12,884 observations to explore quasars, stars, and white dwarf objects. Magnitude data and coordinates across five filter bands are analyzed, revealing unique features through statistical methods. The identification of 77,429 quasars with 15 dimensions enhances the dataset. Thorough analyses of stellar and white dwarf classes, coupled with visualization techniques, unveil variable relationships. Residual validation and Gaussian kernel density plots confirm significant class differences. Non-linear regression and a normal distribution mixture model depict complex variable relationships. A parallel coordinates plot aids in interpreting data patterns, while predictive modeling via regression exposes meaningful coefficients. Logistic regression effectively classifies astronomical objects in the SDSS training data. This research contributes to understanding celestial object characteristics, offering valuable insights for astronomers and astrophysicists in analyzing large-scale astronomical datasets.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ruben Cornelius Siagian, Arip Nurahman, Goldberd Harmuda Duva Sinaga, Reza Ariefka, Pandu Pribadi Development of Low-Cost Technology-Based Learning Aids for Heat Radiation Material 2024-03-15T18:46:42+00:00 Siska Dewi Lucky Maulana Hakim <p>This study aims to develop low-cost technology-based learning aids in physics, specifically on heat radiation, using Student Worksheets (LKS). The Suyanto method of research and instructional media development was employed, including internal testing and variance similarity testing of the learning aids. The results consist of physics learning aids and LKS that have been internally validated, in line with theoretical expectations. The LKS validation yielded a score of 3.14, indicating suitability for use, while the external test using a One-Shot Case Study showed a student learning outcome score of 3.61, signifying good learning quality. Assessment of the appeal of the learning aids and LKS yielded a score of 3.32, and ease of use scored 3.17, indicating positive reception. Improvements were made before the production stage, which only involved prototyping.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Siska Dewi, Lucky Maulana Hakim The Influence of Guided Inquiry Learning Approach to The Physics Achievement of 10th Grade Students in Senior High School 9 Makassar 2024-03-16T02:14:22+00:00 Syamsul Wahid <p>This research was done to know: (1) The physics achievement of 10<sup>th</sup> grade students in senior high school 9 Makassar that taught by Guided inquiry learning approach. (2) The physics achievement of 10<sup>th</sup> grade students in senior high school 9 Makassar that taught by conventional teaching approach. (3) The differences of physics achievement in senior high school 9 Makassar between the students that taught by guided inquiry learning approach and the students that taught by conventional teaching approach. This research is a real experiment that uses <em>Posttest Only Control Design</em><em>. </em>The population in this research is the students of class 10<sup>th </sup>in Senior High School 9 Makassar. Based on the descriptive analysis showed that the average score of physics achievement of students that taught using guided inquiry approach is27.03 and its deviation standard is 3.32 while the average score of physics achievement that taught without a guided inquiry earning approach is 25.62 and its deviation standard is 3.28. The results of inferential analysis showed that there is a difference between physics achievement of students that taught by guided inquiry approach to learning and the students that taught without guided inquiry learning approach with the real level α = 0.05.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syamsul Wahid Utilization of Himawari-8 Satellite Data in the Analysis of Heavy Rain Events in Jombang on 1-2 February 2021 2023-08-09T08:00:05+00:00 Wahyu Sulistiyono Miranda Sahfira Tuna Shandy Alhaq Ramadhan <p>The occurrence of a flood in the Jombang area on February 2, 2021, caused damage to 38 houses and public facilities. Flood events are caused by high-intensity rain produced by cumulonimbus clouds. Analysis of the development of convective clouds is needed to see the microphysics stage of rain-producing clouds. In this study, the analysis of convective clouds and atmospheric conditions was carried out using the Himawari-8 Satellite. Processing is carried out using the RGB Day Convective Storm, 24H-Microphysics, Airmass, and Cloud Convective Overlay methods. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the convective cloud microphysics phase occurs in 2 phases with different times on the 1st and 2. In the cloud top temperature analysis, during the Cb cloud development phase, the cloud top temperature is in the value range of -20 to -60 0C. Based on Airmass imagery, it is observed that convective cloud clusters originate from the waters of the Java Sea and the South Sea. The peak phase of cloud formation occurs at 12.00 UTC on February 1 and 2. Convective cloud formation increases when the updraft value strengthens and the intensity of cloud thickness increases. Meanwhile, the decay phase is marked by a higher downdraft value and a decrease in cloud distribution based on Day Convective Storm and 24H-Microphysics images.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Sulistiyono, Miranda Sahfira Tuna, Shandy Alhaq Ramadhan The Fluctuation Studies on Dielectrical Properties of Quail Eggs Variated in Storage Duration 2024-05-17T20:46:43+00:00 Bagus Irawan Akhiruddin Maddu Erus Rustami Ahmad Sofyan Sulaeman Permono Adi Putro <p>An increasing of public attention to the quality of food has been increasing, recently. One type of food that consumed is quail eggs (QE). In this study, QE were tested by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) method with some parameters such as complex impedance, dielectric constant, and loss tangent analysis. Several interesting results showed that dielectric properties of QE experience a fluctuation phenomenon if the test is influenced by storage duration, qualitatively. Therefore, we approximately prove that QE quality can be tested via EIS to obtain fine results.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bagus Irawan, Akhiruddin Maddu, Erus Rustami, Ahmad Sofyan Sulaeman, Permono Adi Putro Juergen's Model Approach to the Manufacturing Process for Th(3.77xz+DSr(1.77yz)) Nano Materials at 688.12 MHz per Tesla in a French CERN Cyclotron for Formation of a New Nuclear Fuels 1.09 TeV 2023-01-19T04:26:54+00:00 Moh. Hardiyanto Imas Ratna Ermawati Nathalia Gabiola Ganotti <p>Continuous experiments carried out by the International Research Team in the Nano Materials Manufacturing Division which is a sub research of the ALICE Project were carried out at the Betha Group CERN, Lyon, France, an experimental project, one of which aims to determine the type and durability of nuclear nano materials based on Thorium Differentiation Hybrid Matrix based on nuclear hybrid Th (3.77) pairwise sub atomic Muon-Hadron particles with respect to the longitudinal angle function (xz) Deuterium Srontium (DSr) multi group tensoris (1.77yz) for an experimental series in a 687.12 MHz per tesla powering on Super-Gyro Magnetic field, in a series of super magnetic panels of the CERN Cyclotron coil in France with a quantum plasmatic frequency ranging from 901.44 MeV to 1.09 TeV with an azimuth angle range of 31.58 degrees cosine factor and 42.11 degrees tangential vectoric factor. The type of nano material that has undergone a series of verification tests based on the Juergen’s Model at its quantum polarization of 314.55 tesla per currie succeeded in producing the type Th(3.77xz+DSr(1.77yz)) with the breakthrough effect of Kaon atomic sub particles through the Josephson approximation. The multi level quantum plasmatic graduation has succeeded in achieving a sub atomic Electrical Conductivity (EC) value of 1.089 currie per MHz, so that it can be continued as the basis for the formation of new nuclear fuels with a power of 1.09 TeV at various angles of the CERN Cyclotron, in particular 39.72 degrees tensoris per MHz per azimuth.</p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Moh. Hardiyanto, Imas Ratna Ermawati, Nathalia Gabiola Ganotti