An Analysis of Mood and Moral Values in the Novel “The Call of the Wild”


  • Ela Nurmala
  • Intan Leha Estu Ahyani
  • Ika Rahayu


In literature, novels serve as a popular medium for storytelling, often embedding moral messages and
diverse linguistic elements. One significant aspect of literary analysis in novels is the study of mood
types, which reveals the interpersonal dynamics and underlying themes conveyed by the author. This
study focuses on The Call of the Wild, a novel by Jack London, aiming to identify the types of mood
employed—declarative, imperative, and interrogative—and to explore the moral values illustrated
through these interactions. This research employs a qualitative approach, utilizing document analysis
and content analysis techniques to gather and interpret data. The theoretical framework is grounded in
Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics (1994) for mood analysis and Lickona's (2004) moral
values classification, which includes trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and
citizenship. Findings indicate that declarative mood is the most frequently used, highlighting the
informational and descriptive nature of the novel. The moral values conveyed through the protagonist
Buck’s experiences emphasize resilience, loyalty, and compassion, offering readers timeless ethical


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