The Use of Caricature Strips in Teaching Recount Text to Improve Students’ Writing Skills
Writing as one of the English productive skills, is very crucial in communication. Communicating in
English as the curriculum demands and competencies are getting better. Students must be able to share
ideas, opinions, experiences in spoken and written language in every situation and place. Therefore, in
improving students' writing skills, it is necessary to provide a method, a learning model that can
improve it. This study was conducted in an effort to find out the improvement of students' writing
skills in writing past stories or telling someone's biography and students' responses to visual learning
models, namely caricature strips. This research used quantitative pre-experiment method with one
group pretest posttest. In this study, the research subjects were students of class X OTKP Integrated
SMKS Lampang. Test is used as a data collection technique as a comparison before and after treatment.
Questionnaires as a data collection technique to get student responses to visual learning models,
namely strip caricatures. After that the data is processed in the form of tables and statistics, and
described based on the results of tests and questionnaires. The data shows that the results of the test
produce high criteria and are quite effective, which means that there is an increase in the test results.
The questionnaire data shows a good response, interest in strip caricatures.
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