Exploring Expressive Illocutionary Act and Humanity Values in The Demon Slayer Manga
This study explores expressive illocutionary acts and humanity values in the Demon Slayer manga,
specifically in chapters 1 and 2. Employing a qualitative descriptive method and discourse analysis,
the research identifies and categorizes utterances into expressive illocutionary types as per Searle and
Vanderveken's framework and examines the presence of humanity-related virtues according to
Peterson and Seligman. The findings reveal 113 expressive illocutionary acts in chapter 1, with
"lament" being the most dominant, while chapter 2 presents 17 expressive acts, with "protest" as the
most frequent. Additionally, the study identifies 28 instances of virtues of character strength humanity
in chapter 1, predominantly "kindness," and 12 instances in chapter 2, also highlighting "kindness" as
the most prevalent virtue. The analysis underscores the role of expressive illocutionary acts in
conveying moral values and character development in the narrative, providing insights into the
interplay between language and virtues in the manga's storytelling.
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