Speech Acts in English Teaching-Learning Process in Twelfth Grades at SMA Negeri 3 Subang


  • Inerahma Peramita
  • Isti Sitihindun Universitas Mandiri
  • Ela Nurmala Universitas Mandiri


Pragmatics, Speech Acts, Teaching-Learning Process


This research aims are to find out the types, the functions and meanings of speech acts in teaching-learning process. This study uses qualitative with descriptive qualitative as methodology. This study focused on utterances spoken by the English teacher in the teaching-learning process which were analysed using types of speech acts from Austin (1962) and Searle (1979). The data were collected through observations and documentation technique. Based on the study, there are 372 utterances produced by English teacher. There are (2%) utterances of locutionary acts, (87%) utterances of illocutionary acts, and (11%) utterances of perlocutionary acts. The results also indicated that were four functions and sixteen meanings.


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