The Politeness Strategies in English Classroom Interaction
Politeness Strategies, English Classroom InteractionAbstract
Politeness strategies is the speaker’s effort to express politeness in the form of language. The aims this research to find out the types Politeness Strategies in English Classroom Interaction and describe realization of Politeness Strategies in English Classroom Interaction. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach as methodology and the analysis content. The sources of data for this research is transcript of audio from observation. Based on the reserach, there are 149 politeness strategies found. There are 87 Bald on Record strategies, 57 Positive Politeness Strategies, 1 Negative Politeness Strategies, and 4 Off Record Strategies. The realization of politeness strategies in sub-strategies of politeness strategies there are Bald on Record. Strategy 1 (Notice, attend to H), strategy 4 (Use in-group identity markers), strategy 5 (Seek agreement), strategy 8 (Joke), strategy 9 (Assert of presuppose Speaker’s knowledge of and concern for Hearer’s wants), strategy 10 (Offer, promise), strategy 12 (Include both Speaker and Hearer in the activity), strategy 13 (Give (or ask for) reason), strategy 15 ( Give gifts to Hearer) of Positive Politeness Strategies. In strategy 3 (Be pesimistic) of negative politeness. In strategy 10 (Use rhetorical questions) and strategy 11 (Be ambiguous) of Off Record Strategies.
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