Analisis Pengadaan Spare Part Mesin Jahit Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan di PT Eksonindo Multi Product Industry, Bandung
Procurement of sewing machine spare parts, work productivityAbstract
This research explores the analysis of the procurement of sewing machine spare parts on employee work productivity at PT Eksonindo Multi Product Industry. The data collection process in this thesis was carried out over a period of approximately 7 months which was explained descriptively by conducting interviews with sources regarding machine spare parts and work productivity in this company. In this thesis, the data collection technique uses a qualitative method which is explained and explained in detail what influence spare parts have on sewing machines, as well as what influence the procurement of spare parts has on the sustainability of the company's production targets in maintaining employee productivity and performance. The research results show that sewing machine spare parts when problems occur due to unavailability of stock do not have a significant impact on work productivity and do not cause production targets to decrease significantly. This is because employees at PT Eksonindo Multy Product Industry are always able to maintain productivity at work and because of this the production target will still be achieved even though the difference in target results lies only when the machine can be operated smoothly and when the machine has problems because spare parts are not available in stock.
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